Friday, 18 June 2010

Read More Books!

Today I read the book 'All My Friends Are Superheroes' by Andrew Kaufman. After I read the book it made me realise how little I read these days, and I really enjoy reading! This item on the list is going to take some serious long term commitment, because if I don't commit to it, then in a couple of years time I'll have to become a mega book worm to catch up!
  • Read 100 books (that I haven't read before)
I will list the books here, and if you care you can track my progress!
  1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
  2. A Certain Age by Rebbecca Ray
  3. The Shining by Stephen King
  4. Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
  5. Play to Kill by P.J. Tracy
  6. The Waterproof Bible by Andrew Kaufman
  7. A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby
  8. High Fidelity by Nick Hornby
  9. Gypsy Boy by Mikey Walsh
  10. Winter Ghosts by Kate Mosse


  1. Sounds like a challenge but since you have already conquered some on your list I'm sure it won't be too much for you.

    Also why wasn't 'Get out of my crappy job' on the list? or was it? I don't read anything these days.

  2. I went through a period of trying to read every Nobel prize for literature winning author. It was hard going to say the least (and i gave up), but soem of them were brilliant. I particularly enjoyed NAGUIB MAHFOUZ, SIR WILLIAM GOLDING (Lord of the Flies)and ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER. Teh award goes back to 1901 so there are a lot of authors.

  3. Another literary suggestion that I have read. Is 'The Battle of the Villa Fiorita' it's an odd book thats hard to find and was made into a film thats even harder to find.

    It's like the The Famous Five but theres three of them and they are trying to wreck someones adulterous relationship.

    It's a good read.
